Spectrum Technologies, USA
1. TDR 300 Soil Moisture Meter
Designed for quick and easy measuring. Monitor and record soil moisture accurately with TDR technology and Spectrum’s GPS-compatible data logging equipment.
- Collects data from FieldScout TDR 300 Soil Moisture Meter (Bluetooth device required) and FieldScout TruFirm Turf Firmness Meter using Bluetooth Smart connection
- Uses your smart phone for time-stamping and geo-referencing the data
- On-the-go means of collecting data from FieldScout meters
- Color coded to represent a scale of turf firmness or moisture
- Eliminates the need for a computer, cable, and GPS accessory
- Visualize readings in real time
- E-mail relevant information
- FieldScout TDR 300 requires new FieldScout Bluetooth Device (Item 6453BT above)
- Compatible with iOS and Android smart phones and tablets, device requires Bluetooth Smart Ready
- Free download from App Store or Google Play (see links below), Pro version requires a SpecConnect subscription.
- Bluetooth Device with the Mobile App
2. NDVI Chlorophyll Meter
Features –
“Point-and-shoot” technology to instantly measure red (660 nm) and near infrared (840 nm) spectral bands.
- Detects stress earlier than visual monitoring
- Computes Normalized Difference Vegetative Index (NDVI)
- Laser guides outline the edges of the measured sample area
- Calculates and displays a running average for multiple readings
- Connects to any GPS receiver that has a serial output option*
- Equipped with internal data logger and RS-232 port
- Records 3,250 measurements (1,350 with added GPS/DGPS option)
- An essential tool for effectively managing your nitrogen program.
- “Point-and-shoot” technology to instantly measure relative chlorophyll content
- Detects stress earlier than visual monitoring.
- Technology based on an exclusive patent license from NASA.
- Laser guides outline the edges of the measured sample area.
- Calculates and displays a running average for multiple readings.
- Connects to any GPS receiver that has a serial output option*.
- Equipped with internal data logger and RS-232 port.
- Records 3,250 measurements (1,350 with added GPS/DGPS option).
- Configure and download meter with FieldScout® software (not included)**.
- Compatible with SpecMaps™ online web-mapping application.
- Includes hard carrying case and batteries.
4.SPAD 1520 Chlorophyll Meter
- Instantly measures chlorophyll content or “greenness” of your plants on a scale of -9.9 to 199.9
- Non-invasive, non-destructive measurement
- Trend graph stores and displays up to 30 measurements
- Waterproof design
- Compare in-field SPAD readings to university guidelines
- Research shows a strong correlation between SPAD measurements and leaf N content
- Available with or without a built-in data logger
- Includes hard carrying case and batteries